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Description:Ara Mix is completely devastated by trouble at home. Her mom and stepfather have been fighting a lot lately. She has hopes that things will get better because she really cares about her stepdad. Today she found a letter that destroyed any hopes she had that they would stay together. In it, he outlines the problems in the marriage, including their non-existent sex life. Ara cannot stand to lose another step father and pleads with him to reconsider. He is already packed on the way out the door, but she promises to give him whatever is missing with her mother. He tells her that there is no way that would work because she is so innocent and he likes women with a naughtier edge. While he packs his last bag, she quickly changes into a special outfit she only wears for her boyfriend. When her stepfather returns he is stunned to see her in fishnets and a choker. He has never seen this side of her before. Perhaps she really can convince him to stay. She drops to her knees and shows him what a good cock sucker she is. Ara is certainly more enthusiastic than her mother and can’t wait to let him feel her warm, wet pussy around his big throbbing cock. He loves the way it fits and how creamy she gets when he pumps it in deep. She senses he is close and give him a treat by kneeling again and sucking until his cock explodes all over her face. No way mom ever does that, even to keep her man happy. Ara can’t believe that her mother isn’t fucking this fantastic dick every night and hopes the he will continue fucking her no matter what happens with their marriage.
Submitted:4 monate her
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Beschreibung: Ara Mix is completely devastated by trouble at home. Her mom and stepfather have been fighting a lot lately. She has hopes that things will get better because she really cares about her stepdad. Today she found a letter that destroyed any hopes she had that they would stay together. In it, he outlines the problems in the marriage, including their non-existent sex life. Ara cannot stand to lose another step father and pleads with him to reconsider. He is already packed on the way out the door, but she promises to give him whatever is missing with her mother. He tells her that there is no way that would work because she is so innocent and he likes women with a naughtier edge. While he packs his last bag, she quickly changes into a special outfit she only wears for her boyfriend. When her stepfather returns he is stunned to see her in fishnets and a choker. He has never seen this side of her before. Perhaps she really can convince him to stay. She drops to her knees and shows him what a good cock sucker she is. Ara is certainly more enthusiastic than her mother and can’t wait to let him feel her warm, wet pussy around his big throbbing cock. He loves the way it fits and how creamy she gets when he pumps it in deep. She senses he is close and give him a treat by kneeling again and sucking until his cock explodes all over her face. No way mom ever does that, even to keep her man happy. Ara can’t believe that her mother isn’t fucking this fantastic dick every night and hopes the he will continue fucking her no matter what happens with their marriage.