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Description:Your stepdaughter Nicole Murkovski is graduating from college this year and is already dating somebody. She is studying hard to pass her final exams and she wants to throw a small party with her friends at your house. Nicole notices that you are giving much more attention to her now and she is curious to know if you both become very close one day. She is in her room alone, wearing a tiny top and a sexy skirt, deep down in her porn fantasies, longing to masturbate and enjoy herself. This girl has a rich imagination, and, while thinking about you, she makes herself comfortable on the sofa, slowly taking off her top and showing her panties. In her dreams, she invites you to join her in mutually satisfying self-love and she would definitely enjoy seeing you strike your cock. Her body and those sexy clothes make it hotter and your cock starts to throb in your hands. She turns around, touching her ass and bending over, imagining how your cock would feel inside of her tight butthole. Her legs spread and her fingers work up and down the wet lips of her hot and ready pussy. She wants you to keep stroking and see if you can cum when she does. This is the fantasy she wishes to come true one day.
Submitted:5 monate her
Views:7 050
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Beschreibung: Your stepdaughter Nicole Murkovski is graduating from college this year and is already dating somebody. She is studying hard to pass her final exams and she wants to throw a small party with her friends at your house. Nicole notices that you are giving much more attention to her now and she is curious to know if you both become very close one day. She is in her room alone, wearing a tiny top and a sexy skirt, deep down in her porn fantasies, longing to masturbate and enjoy herself. This girl has a rich imagination, and, while thinking about you, she makes herself comfortable on the sofa, slowly taking off her top and showing her panties. In her dreams, she invites you to join her in mutually satisfying self-love and she would definitely enjoy seeing you strike your cock. Her body and those sexy clothes make it hotter and your cock starts to throb in your hands. She turns around, touching her ass and bending over, imagining how your cock would feel inside of her tight butthole. Her legs spread and her fingers work up and down the wet lips of her hot and ready pussy. She wants you to keep stroking and see if you can cum when she does. This is the fantasy she wishes to come true one day.