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Description:Brad always takes longer than the other students on his tests. Mrs. Carrera thinks hes a little slow, but little does she know hes the sharpest tool in the shed. He always seems to finish after she grabs her afternoon coffee. Thats for good reason!soonshe s out he places his camcorder under her desk to grab some juicy coochie to sell to his classmates. Hes been making a fortune! That little even caught her rubbing her clit during school hours. He was so excited watching it right away that he didnt realize Mrs. Carrera was right behind him. Believe itnot, Mrs. Carrera actually had a thing for Brad, and if he wanted to see her pussy all he had to do was ask! At that point brad knew what was good. He started rubbing her aged pussy all over the classroom. It escalated to fucking her huge scholarly tits and a ramming worthy of extra credit on her chair. After exploding with cum all over her face, he thought he had earned his camera back. But it lookshe will have to report to her classroom after school tomorrow to fulfill the retrieval . If you catch our drift ;).
Submitted:3 years ago
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Raue Mercedes Carrera in der Hauptrolle in Silikon XXX-Clip
Beschreibung: Brad always takes longer than the other students on his tests. Mrs. Carrera thinks hes a little slow, but little does she know hes the sharpest tool in the shed. He always seems to finish after she grabs her afternoon coffee. Thats for good reason!soonshe s out he places his camcorder under her desk to grab some juicy coochie to sell to his classmates. Hes been making a fortune! That little even caught her rubbing her clit during school hours. He was so excited watching it right away that he didnt realize Mrs. Carrera was right behind him. Believe itnot, Mrs. Carrera actually had a thing for Brad, and if he wanted to see her pussy all he had to do was ask! At that point brad knew what was good. He started rubbing her aged pussy all over the classroom. It escalated to fucking her huge scholarly tits and a ramming worthy of extra credit on her chair. After exploding with cum all over her face, he thought he had earned his camera back. But it lookshe will have to report to her classroom after school tomorrow to fulfill the retrieval . If you catch our drift ;).